GPS vs A-GPS - Which is Better for Accurate Navigation?

June 01, 2021


GPS (Global Positioning System) and A-GPS (Assisted GPS) are both GPS-based technologies that determine the location of a device with the help of satellites. However, the two technologies differ in certain aspects that determine their accuracy.

So, which is better when it comes to accurate navigation? Let's take a closer look.


GPS was first developed in the 1970s by the US Department of Defense. It has since become the primary means of determining location worldwide.

GPS uses a network of satellites in orbit around the earth to perform accurate positioning. The technology receives signals from these satellites to calculate the latitude, longitude, and altitude of a device.

One of the main advantages of GPS is that it can function without internet connectivity, making it reliable in areas with limited network coverage.


A-GPS, on the other hand, is a newer technology that was developed to complement GPS. It works similarly to GPS, but it also uses data from cellular network towers, Wi-Fi, and other triangulation methods, which enables it to provide a more direct and accurate position much faster than GPS.

In essence, A-GPS is a hybrid that combines GPS and other positioning technologies to increase its speed and accuracy.

GPS vs A-GPS - Which is More Accurate?

When it comes to accuracy in ideal conditions, GPS and A-GPS are both very precise, with both technologies capable of locating a device within approximately 5 meters.

However, in areas where GPS signals are weak, such as around tall buildings or deep valleys, A-GPS has shown to provide more accurate positioning. This is because A-GPS uses network towers, which are more reliable than the GPS signals that can be obstructed by buildings.

In summary, A-GPS can provide more accurate and faster positioning in urban areas, while GPS is more reliable in remote areas with weak network signals.


In conclusion, both GPS and A-GPS are highly precise technologies for determining location. While GPS is known for its reliability in remote areas, A-GPS is preferred in urban areas with network towers and high buildings.

Ultimately, the choice between GPS and A-GPS depends on your location and your specific needs. It's important to do your research and choose the technology that will best serve your navigation needs.


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